Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What is THL's new CEO saying about the Web?

In todays Annual Shareholder Meeting, Trevor Hall, THLs New CEO had the following to say:

"At the forefront I put the trends in information technology – particularly the ongoing and rapid change in distribution and the impact that the Web is having on consumers purchasing travel.

We are seeing the marketplace change before our eyes. THL needs to be at the forefront in offering consumer choice in purchase points whilst continuing to support and focus on our traditional Agents and Wholesale networks.

It is no longer enough just to operate an information website with an email link – dynamic pricing and availability is a growing requirement, as is a solid understanding of social interaction sites such as TripAdvisor / IgoUgo / Myspace / You Tube etc.

THL currently is not well positioned for the change occurring in new media distribution channels. We have started working hard to define our direction. There is a need to lift our investment in the Web environment, and connectability to our reservation and IT system is a must. Speed to market will be a key driver of business growth as is speed of change to compete with ongoing innovation. It is critical that THL moves rapidly to an IT platform that supports these two key market drivers.”
Trevor Hall, CEO, Tourism Holdings Limited
Speech Notes, Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, 14 November 2006

Read the Full Speech Notes Here

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